Date: Monday, June 3rd
Time: 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Location: 1945 Cornwall Street – Kits Beach Coffee Cafe
Want our neighbourhood to be butterfly-filled?
Want to learn more about rewilding and protecting our pollinators in our community?
Want to take more action in conservation and protecting our environment?
Want to learn more about deepening your relationship with the land and actively walk the path of long term reconcilation?
The goal of the Butterflyway Project is to establish small habitats in our own communities for local bees and butterflies by planting native wildflowers in home gardens, patio gardens, schools, and any businesses with outdoors plants.
We are looking for local habitat gardens in close proximity to our cafe and home to join our Pollinator Project. This can be a patio garden, pots outdoors, yards and even small businesses who want more greenery on their patios.
We provide all the materials, including seed starter packets and on-going in person/online events to learn and connect with your pollinating community.
You can also choose to support our Indiegnous Freinship Pacthes by growing pollikator plants that can then be harvested and donated to each artist.
Indigenous Friendship Patches are pollinator plants that can be used in natural dyeing and traditional plant medicines. We are working with two artists and we hope to establish long-term relationships the their Indigenous communities, while addressing the following calls to action:
12 – Culturally appropriate Early Childhood Education
62, 63, 64, 65, 66 – Education and Reconciliation
92- Economic Reconciliation
Land Access and accessibility to plant kinship, that goes beyond Land Acknowledgement.
This will be our summer session meeting to discuss growth our pollinator patches and our Indigenous Freindship Patches. We will also be looking at our first harvest of some of the plant kin in our Indigenous Friendship Patches and will be disucssing what each Indigenous Artists needs (flowers, stems, leaves etc).
For those who are new, we will also offer the easy steps, as well as samples of seeds to get your own pollinator patch started.
- Rita Kompst-Point, Musqueam Artist, Cedar Weaver, Natural dyer of wool with mushrooms and lichens @ritakompst #weavetoheal
- Dr. Jacqui Wilkins, ND and founder of Xalish Medicines
Any questions please send to Sarah Jamieson at
Sarah Jamieson, our co-owner is an official volunteer with the David Suzuki Foundation and the Butterflyway Ranger Program.
For more information: