S Reconciliation


Jasper townsite waiving parking fees for Indigenous peoples – Western Wheel

“This decision would extend a privilege enjoyed by Jasper residents to all Indigenous peoples of Canada.” Indigenous peoples will have one less cost to bear while visiting Jasper National Park and the townsite. On Tuesday, Jasper Municipal Council directed administration to waive paid parking fees for individuals and families who display a Parks Canada-issued Indigenous […]

by ahnationtalk on May 23, 202478 Views

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Funding for community projects supports Indigenous women

May 3, 2024 VICTORIA – The Minister’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Women (MACIW) is calling for applicants to the Giving Voice program’s 2024 cycle with $1 million available to help address the issue of violence against Indigenous women and girls. “Giving Voice provides opportunities for healing and helps ensure Indigenous women and girls are respected […]

by ahnationtalk on May 3, 2024124 Views

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My reconciliation journey – one bench at a time – Winnipeg Free Press

Mar. 6, 2024 The Canadian Museum of Human Rights recently hosted a gathering of Winnipeg Indigenous Accord stakeholders, which was excellent groundwork for World Justice Day on Feb. 20. By definition, an accord is an agreement. Winnipeg’s Indigenous Accord is a living document guiding a shared commitment to the Journey of Reconciliation rooted in the […]

by ahnationtalk on March 6, 2024123 Views

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Provincial chapter of Last Post Fund to receive BC Reconciliation Award – Comox Valley Record

BC chapter of LPF receiving BC Reconciliation Award for Indigenous Veteran Initiative Comox Valley Veteran and Unmarked Grave Program researcher Maj. (Ret’d) Ted Usher CD, will represent the Last Post Fund, BC Branch at the BC Reconciliation Awards formal dinner and ceremony at Government House in Victoria on Jan. 18, hosted by the Lieutenant Governor, […]

by ahnationtalk on December 11, 2023101 Views

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Indigenous WatchdogText

Why does reconciliation suck for Indigenous people?

Why does reconciliation suck for Indigenous people? HAMILTON, ONTARIO – How seriously are governments committed to reconciliation when the majority of jurisdictions are still fighting Indigenous rights in Child Welfare, Education, Language, Health, Justice, UNDRIP, Treaties and Land Claims and the Environment? Consider the following: Federal, provincial and territory governments in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, […]

by pmnationtalk on March 21, 2023446 Views

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Indigenous WatchdogText

Where are the successes and failures in Reconciliation: Indigenous Watchdog 2022 Year-in-Review

Where are the successes and failures in Reconciliation: Indigenous Watchdog 2022 Year-in-Review Indigenous Watchdog: Hamilton: What does reconciliation look like as we approach the 8th anniversary of the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Summary Report in June 12015? Indigenous Watchdog has created a picture based on an examination of all 431 positive “Actions […]

by pmnationtalk on January 29, 2023440 Views

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NCTR welcomes funding and a new home in Federal Budget 2022

WINNIPEG — Following the tabling of the Federal Budget 2022, the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) is releasing the following statement: “We are thrilled that this budget delivers sustainable funding towards the construction and operation of a new home for the NCTR, along with increased support related to the missing children and unmarked […]

by ahnationtalk on April 9, 2022227 Views

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CFN op-ed: Rebuilding fisheries and wild fish stocks is reconciliation in action

April 7, 2022 – CFN In this article published in the Globe and Mail, CEO Christine Smith-Martin and Heiltsuk Chief Councillor Marilyn Slett say rebuilding fish populations and embracing fisheries co-governance is an important step toward reconciliation. Canada’s federal government talks a big game when it comes to reconciliation – always with a capital “R” […]

by pmnationtalk on April 8, 2022257 Views

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UNDRIP plan in B.C. offers ‘true transformation and reconciliation’ says chief –

Apr 07, 2022 First Nations leaders in British Columbia are hopeful following the announcement of a five-year action plan to implement UNDRIP or the United Nations Declaration on The Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Declaration Act Action Plan outlines 89 steps for each ministry to improve the lives of Indigenous Peoples in the province. Cheryl […]

by pmnationtalk on April 7, 2022281 Views

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NAN Statement as Pope Francis apologies for Abuses Suffered at Indian Residential Schools

THUNDER BAY, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Deputy Grand Chief Anna Betty Achneepineskum, on behalf of the NAN Executive Council, has issued the following statement following an apology by Pope Francis for the abuses suffered at Indian Residential Schools to Indigenous delegates at the Vatican this week: “It has taken tremendous courage for Survivors who […]

by pmnationtalk on April 4, 2022273 Views

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