A National Online Indigenous Climate Change Platform to Learn, Share and Connect. Introducing the Indigenous Climate Hub

by pmnationtalk on August 15, 20192287 Views

Media Release

A National Online Indigenous Climate Change Platform to Learn, Share and Connect. Introducing the Indigenous Climate Hub.

Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, ON, August 15, 2019, – Okwaho Equal Source, a leading global Indigenous social innovation company focused on delivering Indigenous social finance, social enterprise, innovation and procurement solutions, is proud to announce the launch of a new national Indigenous climate change website – the “Indigenous Climate Hub” (https://IndigenousClimateHub.ca). The new site features a streamlined modern design and easy access to essential climate change tools and information for Indigenous peoples and communities to access and share content.

Okwaho Equal Source President and CEO, Shyra Barberstock explains “The inspiration for the Indigenous Climate Hub came from Indigenous climate change leaders at the 2018 Indigenous Climate Change Adaptation Gathering (ICCAG), held in Gatineau, Quebec funded by Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada’s (CIRNAC) First Nation Adapt program. Participants from across Canada expressed interest in creating an online platform that would keep them connected, provide critical information and resources, and offer a professional representation of the work their organizations and communities are doing to address climate change.” Visitors are encouraged to explore the website and submit local, regional and national Indigenous climate change events and stories for posting on the website. “The Indigenous Climate Hub is meant to reflect the interests and advancement of Indigenous peoples in climate change initiatives, and thanks to Indigenous organizations such as the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER) that provided consulting services during the development of the website, it is well positioned to meet that objective,” says Barberstock.

The website, funded by CIRNAC’s First Nation Adapt program, is designed to provide a space to share the stories of the peoples and the lands impacted by climate change from Indigenous perspectives. The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations observes “Indigenous communities are on the front lines of climate change and they are committed to finding solutions and sharing their knowledge with others. The Indigenous Climate Hub will not only showcase these efforts, it will also help improve communication between Indigenous peoples and communities across Canada. This Indigenous-led initiative will strengthen important ties and bring people together in new ways to confront the serious and very real challenges of climate change.”

About the Indigenous Climate Change Adaptation Gatherings

The Indigenous Climate Change Adaptation Gatherings took place February 2018 and March 2019 and brought together Indigenous organizations and First Nations climate change leaders from across Canada to participate in a national dialogue on Indigenous climate change realities. Both gatherings were well received, and a number of themes and recommendations were recorded, including the need for a robust national Indigenous climate change website. Of notable interest during the 2019 gathering was the debut of the film documentary “A Different Type of Gathering: We are One. Hishuk’ish Tsawalk – Everything is One,” which shares the story of the first gathering and provides viewers with insights into the calibre and scope of what Indigenous peoples are doing to mitigate and monitor climate change effects across the country. The documentary is available to view online on the Indigenous Climate Hub website.

Join the conversation at Indigenousclimatehub.ca!

For further information:

Okwaho Equal Source, Media Relations Advisor, admin@okwaho.com.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, Senior Communications Advisor, Robert.mcdonald@canada.ca


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