AME Roundup 2025 Closes the Market
Toronto, Ontario–(January 23, 2025) – Keerit Jutla, President and Chief Executive Officer, Association for Mineral Exploration (“AME”), and Minister Jagrup Brar, Minister of Mining and Critical Minerals, joined Andrew Creech, Managing Director, TSX Venture Exchange Listings, to close the market to celebrate AME Roundup 2025 in Vancouver, Canada. From January 20th-23rd, 2025, thousands of geologists, prospectors, financiers, investors, suppliers, governments and Indigenous partners, from around the world will connect and exchange knowledge at AME Roundup 2025.
AME Roundup is a centre of excellence that features the latest geoscience knowledge, high-grade rock samples and mineralized drill core, with opportunities to learn and share the latest tools, technologies and techniques. The content delivered was relevant and timely, delivered by high-calibre speakers, engaging exhibitors and inspiring presenters. Hosted by explorers for explorers, AME Roundup 2025 focuses on the key issues, helps us imagine new possibilities and advance our understanding of the minerals and metals that are critical to our shared future.
Morgan Murphy

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