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An East Coast fight over fracking ‘could get ugly,’ First Nations warn – National Observer

by ahnationtalk on May 12, 2023210 Views

May 12th 2023

New Brunswick can count on a huge backlash if it follows through on its recent comments about fracking natural gas, six First Nations chiefs in the province say.

“The issue could get ugly here,” Chief Allan Polchies Jr. of Sitansisk, St.Mary’s First Nation, told Canada’s National Observer.

In the past few months, Premier Blaine Higgs has been ramping up his support for fracked gas, a fossil fuel made mostly of methane. On Wednesday, he reportedly told business publication allNewBrunswick he would pursue fracked gas development regardless of buy-in from First Nation communities across the province.

According to a press release from the Wolastoqey Nation, Higgs told the publication if First Nations don’t want to be involved, “There comes a time when you just gotta find a way to move on.” The comment marks a stark contrast to his State of the Province Address in February, where he said he wouldn’t pursue fracking without collaboration from First Nations.

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