Assembly of First Nations and RBC Announce Heroes of Our Time Scholarship Recipients

by ahnationtalk on August 31, 20152250 Views


Assembly of First Nations and RBC Announce Heroes of
Our Time Scholarship Recipients

August 31, 2015

(Ottawa, ON) August 31, 2015 – The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and RBC are proud to announce the recipients of the 2015 Heroes of Our Time (HOOT) scholarships. The Heroes of Our Time scholarships acknowledge and celebrate the success of Aboriginal post-secondary students in achieving their educational goals.

“On behalf of the AFN, I congratulate all the winners of this year’s Heroes of Our Time scholarships,” said AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde. “These scholarship recipients should be viewed as heroes not just by First Nations but by all Canadians.  They are our future and will soon be leaders in their chosen field of work. Our future belongs to our youth and we are proud and honoured to do our part to ensure they have access to an education that allows them to compete in the national and global economies.”

This year marks the 27th year of the HOOT scholarships. The HOOT scholarships originated in 1988 as an initiative to recognize the dedication, drive and academic achievements of Aboriginal post-secondary students who demonstrate excellence in their fields. 

“As one of Canada’s largest employers, we look forward to seeing what these emerging leaders will bring to their communities, Canada and the world,” said Elizabeth Jordan, National Director, Aboriginal Markets, RBC Royal Bank.  “RBC is committed to providing opportunities to Aboriginal students through scholarships such as HOOT.”

There are currently nine scholarship categories at $2,000.00 each. The winners of the 2015 Heroes of Our Time (HOOT) Scholarship are:

  • Jake Fire Award – Criminology
    Jessica Burke – Glace Bay (NS)
  • Tommy Prince Award – Native Studies
    Shiann Whitebean – Kahnawake Mohawk Territory (QC)
  • Walter Dieter Award – Social Work
    Maxine Ginnish – Eel Ground First Nation (NB)
  • Omer Peters Award – Political Science
    Kimberlee A. LaRue – Kamloops (BC)
  • Robert Smallboy Award – Medicine
    Ashley Lickers – Six Nations (ON)
  • James Gosnell Award – Law
    Amsay Osawamick – Wikemikong First Nation (ON)
  • John Young Award – Science
    Tara Williams – Taku River Tlingit First Nation (BC)
  • Dr. Freda Ahenakew Award – Education
    Mathilda Chillihitzia – Douglas Lake (BC)
  • Elijah Harper Award – Commerce
    Naomi Jules – Tl’azt’en Nation (BC) 

The Assembly of First Nation is the national organization representing First Nation citizens in Canada.  Follow #AFN on Twitter @AFN_Comms, @AFN_Updates.


For more information please contact:

Alain Garon AFN Bilingual Communications Officer
(613) 241-6789, ext. 382, (613) 292-0857 or

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