Auditor General of Canada releases 2015 Fall Reports
Ottawa, 2 February 2016—In his 2015 Fall Reports tabled today in Parliament, Auditor General of Canada Michael Ferguson presents the results of seven audits completed by his Office since last fall. Copies of our reports on the special examinations of the Canadian Tourism Commission and of the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority are also included in the Fall 2015 Reports.
The audits looked at Implementing Gender-Based Analysis, Controlling Exports at the Border, Implementing the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement, Information Technology Shared Services, Canadian Armed Forces Housing, Canada Pension Plan Disability Program, and Establishing the First Nations Health Authority in British Columbia.
“Government departments and agencies are tasked with implementing programs and services that respond to the needs and issues that matter to Canadians. So if intentions are good at the outset, why is it that our audits often show that government programs fall short?,” said Mr. Ferguson.
“These audits suggest that government departments do not always pay enough attention to continuous improvement and learning, to considering what has worked and what has not, and to using that knowledge to lay the groundwork of better programs and services for Canadians. In other words, departments may be missing opportunities to work at improving the quality of their programs and services,” added Mr. Ferguson.
The Auditor General will be holding a news conference at the National Press Theatre in Ottawa at 11:30 a.m.
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The 2015 Fall Reports of the Auditor General of Canada are available on the Office of the Auditor General of Canada Web site.
For more information, please click here.

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