Book the date: Authors event returns to Iqaluit Feb. 25 – Nunatsiaq News

by ahnationtalk on February 16, 2023222 Views

Feb 16, 2023

Inhabit Media event allows public to meet, hear from writers covering wide range of genres

Inhabit Media’s annual authors event is returning to Iqaluit on Feb. 25, the first time it has been held in-person since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the aim of bringing together 18 writers and the general community, the event will take place at the Aqsarniit Hotel and Conference Centre, says Inhabit Media co-owner Louise Flaherty.

She said those attending will get to meet Inuit authors from across genres, such as up-and-coming horror writer Jamesie Fournier, Iqaluit Mayor Solomon Awa who has written on several North-related topics such as igloo-building and narwhals, and children’s book writer Ceporah Mearns.

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