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BR NL Residential Schools – CP

by pnationtalk on May 11, 20161072 Views

BR NL Residential Schools (BR-NL-Residential-School)
Source: The Canadian Press – Broadcast wire
May 11, 2016 2:10

ST. JOHN’S, N.L. – Lawyers for survivors of residential schools in Labrador are heading to remote communities over the next few months to explain a class action settlement reached this week.

The 50-million dollar settlement is still subject to court approval in a September 27th hearing.

But yesterday former residential school residents like Toby Obed stood in front of provincial Supreme Court in St. John’s and wept.

Obed says he wept for himself as a traumatized child who was strapped by staff for speaking his Inuit language.

Lawyers for about 800 class-action members outlined the proposed settlement with Ottawa in court before Judge Robert Stack.

Obed and 28 other former students were the only ones in the country forced to testify in open court about the alleged abuse they suffered.

He says he and many other former students will continue to wait for an official apology.


(The Canadian Press)


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