Broad new report identifies knowledge gaps in hydraulic fracking debate – U Today

by ahnationtalk on October 7, 2015680 Views

University scientist contributes to comprehensive assessment of how existing research can help decision-makers

University of Calgary geoscience professor Cathy Ryan, along with colleagues from 18 universities across Canada and 20 partners including aboriginal organizations, government, industry and non-governmental organizations, are hoping a new set of sister scientific reports can help to better understand the divisive topic of hydraulic fracturing and its associated environmental impacts.

Central to the debate is the issue of water — its use, its management and protection, and its ecological, social and economic importance.

The report, issued by Canadian Water Network (CWN) on Tuesday, draws widely on five CWN-funded projects from 2014-2015 including Ryan’s earlier research: “Subsurface Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing: Contamination, Seismic Sensitivity, and Groundwater Use and Demand Management.”

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