CFIA – Responding to Today, Building for the Future Progress Report 2018: Looking Back, Looking Forward
A message from the President and Executive Vice President
In 2017, we launched the “Responding to Today, Building for the Future” (RTBF) framework that set out our strategic priorities for the next few years. At that time, we promised to keep our staff, as well as our partners, engaged and informed of the changes and progress we are making to improve how we do business.
We are proud of the significant work that has taken place across the Agency over the last year – from our core focus on food safety, animal health, plant protection and international market access, to the steps we have taken to innovate and better position ourselves for the future.
To help us learn, adapt and evolve, we sought out partnerships with other government departments, we engaged employees and regulated parties, and we had candid and open dialogue with our bargaining agents. Our goal has been to make sure our employees have a voice and that we consider the perspectives of industry and our partners, as we continue to plan and implement key initiatives that support our evolution. As we move forward with our plans, we will align them with the Government of Canada’s broader mandate and initiatives for diversity and indigenous reconciliation. Every department and agency, including the CFIA, must look at their work and ask what role they can play in advancing these commitments.
Given the ambitious change agenda we have set for ourselves, it’s important to pause and take stock of our activities. Part of this work includes sharing what we have accomplished and shining a light on what we want to pursue in the years ahead. This opens up opportunities for discussion within the Agency and across our broad range of stakeholders and allows us to understand the dependencies and sequencing of our actions. We want to make sure that the effort we put in now will help us reach the goals we have set for the future.
Throughout this document you will hear about our progress over the last year, highlights of what we have learned along the way and the course we have set for the next few years to push our strategic priorities forward. We hope that this document will serve to reinforce our commitment to engage you by providing information about the organization and how we are setting ourselves up for success as we continue to evolve.
Paul Glover
France Pégeot
Executive Vice President
Download: Responding to Today, Building for the Future Progress Report 2018: Looking Back, Looking Forward

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