CPKN/CACP Forum on Principles and Practices of Authentic Engagement with Indigenous Communities
The Canadian Police Knowledge Network (CPKN) and the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) are working in collaboration with the Vancouver Police Department to host a two-day forum on Principles and Practices of Authentic Engagement with Indigenous Communities.
Historically, government agencies have rarely prioritized authentic engagement with Indigenous peoples. The relationships between public safety agencies and Indigenous communities has been particularly complex, often rooted in the role of these agencies as enforcers of colonial laws. Increasingly, public safety agencies across the country are striving to educate staff on pivotal concepts such as cultural humility, anti-racism, cultural safety, and trauma-informed practice.
Shaped by community consultation, this forum will explore authentic engagement with Indigenous communities with goals to improve safety, consultation practices, equitable access to resources, and the indigenization of public safety spaces and processes. Join us for a national conversation to explore principles and practices that foster authentic and positive engagement with Canada’s First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities.
Target Audience
This forum welcomes those in public safety and policing across Canada who work with Indigenous communities to be a part of this important training and learning:
- Police executive members (inclusive of Chiefs, deputies, senior officers and civilians);
- Police professionals (sworn and civilian) specifically assigned to Indigenous engagement roles;
- Public safety personnel (CBSA, DFO, Corrections and other government agencies) specifically assigned to Indigenous engagement roles;
- Members of police and public safety support networks;
- Police human resources, training, recruiting and wellness personnel; and
- Community leaders who have influence in police and public safety organizations.
Click here for full program

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