Eleven Industry Sector Advisory Groups Formed to Advise on Skilled Trades Training

by ahnationtalk on June 3, 2015695 Views

ITA works closely with industry to ensure a responsive and relevant trades training system

Vancouver, BC – The Industry Training Authority (ITA) has accomplished a key goal to form Sector Advisory Groups to represent significant trade sectors in British Columbia. These Sector Advisory Group representatives have the essential role of advising government and ITA on industry-specific needs that are important to skills training in the province. The groups have been initiated by industry, and populated by a range of employers, contractors, labour representatives and Aboriginal communities involved in apprenticeship and skills training.

The creation of the advisory groups was in direct response to B.C.’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint and to recommendations made in the McDonald Report. The Sector Advisory Groups are part of ITA’s broader industry engagement plan that is key to ensuring a responsive and relevant skills training system in BC.

The 11 Sector Advisory Groups are for the following sectors that are integral to the BC economy (view the representatives for each group by following each link):

The Construction Associations Sector Advisory Group was formed to ensure the breadth of this industry was addressed. The Construction Employers Sector Advisory Group represents employer sponsors, journeypersons and apprentices. The Construction Sector Association Advisory Group represents the broader associations’ views. The two groups will work closely together.

All Sector Advisory Group members met yesterday for the second time to review key priorities for the year.

“The Sector Advisory Groups have an important role in helping government align our skills training with sector needs,” says Shirley Bond, Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour. “A key goal of B.C.’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint is to build stronger partnerships with industry and labour and these Sector Advisory Groups will help us understand how to better connect British Columbians with the skills they need for the in-demand careers of the future and to ensure we meet the needs of our rapidly changing labour market.”

“We are committed to better understanding, communicating and responding to each industry’s needs,” says Gary Herman, CEO, ITA. “The formation of these key Sector Advisory Groups will provide us with valuable advice in our planning and decision making to help ensure the right number of workers, with the right skills, in the right place, at the right time.”

Sector Advisory Groups will provide input on sectoral training strategies to address labour market demand. The groups will also advise government on data assumptions and data sets collected by government to generate labour market forecasts, which will form the basis of training targets for ITA. In addition, these groups will advise on high-level policy issues related to the skills training system.

For more information view the Terms of Reference and application process at www.itabc.ca/industry. Sector Advisory Groups are voluntary and create an opportunity for industry to provide input to the skills training system in BC. No funding will be provided by government or ITA to participants in these groups.

Further to the 11 Sector Advisory Groups, ITA will also ensure other sectors have the opportunity to provide input through surveys, events and meetings. Managers of Industry Relations and Apprenticeship Advisors will also ensure industry and industry members stay connected to ITA.

About the Industry Training Authority
The Industry Training Authority (ITA) leads and coordinates British Columbia’s skilled trades system. ITA works with employers, employees, industry, labour, training providers and government to issue credentials, manage apprenticeships, set program standards and increase opportunities in the trades. ITA is also a key collaborator in the B.C.’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint, which sets out a plan for re-engineering our education and training system to support our growing and changing economy, and to help British Columbians take full advantage of the opportunities presented by these changes.

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For interviews, photos, or more information please contact:

Susan Kirk
Director of Communications, ITA
Tel: 778-785-2410
Cell: 604-307-2122
Email: skirk@itabc.ca

Kyla Way
Edelman Vancouver
Tel: 604-648-3447
Cell: 604-613-6413
Email: kyla.way@edelman.com


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