Environmental Assessment Bulletin

by ahnationtalk on January 22, 20161263 Views

Environment and Conservation
January 21, 2016

The Honourable Perry Trimper, Minister of Environment and Conservation, has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.

Stephenville Crossing Estuary Soft Shell Clam Farm                         (Reg. 1829)
Proponent: Mills Aquaculture Newfoundland Ltd.

The proponent proposes to develop and operate a soft shell clam (Mya arenaria) aquaculture farm at Stephenville Crossing inside the barachois. The total area is 337.89 hectares consisting of sand flats, mud flats, loose gravel and small rocks, ranging in size from fine to medium sand grains to poorly sorted boulder gravel. The aquaculture plan calls for subdividing the area into equally-sized subareas to compare enhancement techniques; unfished controlled, natural seeding, seeding with juvenile clams, seeding with spat and seeding plus protection from predators. All bi-valves will be harvested with the principal focus on soft shell clams. Juvenile clams would be returned to prescribed re-seeding plots onsite. Undersized product and shells will be returned to the bottom. If present, predatory species such as starfish and invasive species such as green crab will be recorded and destroyed. All waste material will be collected and brought to the approved provincial landfill site at St. George’s for disposal. Harvesting will normally begin in April and continue into November. The planned operations are scheduled to commence in April 2016.

The undertaking was registered on January 21, 2016; the deadline for public comments is February 25, 2016; and the minister’s decision is due by March 6, 2016.

Seal Cove Soft Shell Clam Farm                         (Reg. 1830)
Proponent: Mills Aquaculture Newfoundland Ltd.

The proponent proposes to develop and operate a soft shell clam (Mya arenaria) aquaculture farm at Seal Cove, west of Stephenville Crossing. The total area is 378 hectares consisting of sand flats, mud flats, loose gravel and small rocks, ranging in size from fine to medium sand grains to poorly sorted boulder gravel. The area also contains isolated eel grass beds. The aquaculture plan calls for subdividing the area into equally sized subareas to compare enhancement techniques; unfished controlled, natural seeding, seeding with juvenile clams, seeding with spat, and seeding plus protection from predators. All bi-valves will be harvested with the principal focus on soft shell clams. Juvenile clams would be returned to prescribed re-seeding plots onsite. If present, predatory species such as starfish and invasive species such as green crab will be recorded and destroyed. All waste material will be collected and brought to the approved provincial landfill site at St. George’s for disposal. Harvesting will normally begin in April and continue into November. The planned operations are scheduled to commence in April 2016.

The undertaking was registered on January 21, 2016; the deadline for public comments is February 25, 2016; and the minister’s decision is due by March 6, 2016.

Piccadilly Bay Soft Shell Clam Farm                          (Reg. 1831)
Proponent: Mills Aquaculture Newfoundland Ltd.

The proponent proposes to develop and operate a soft shell clam (Mya arenaria) aquaculture farm at Piccadilly Bay, Port au Port Peninsula. The total area is 83.26 hectares consisting of sand flats, mud flats, loose gravel and small rocks, ranging in size from fine to medium sand grains to poorly sorted boulder gravel. The aquaculture plan calls for subdividing the area to compare enhancement techniques; unfished controlled, natural seeding, seeding with juvenile clams, seeding with spat, and seeding plus protection from predators. All bi-valves will be harvested with the principal focus on soft shell clams. Juvenile clams would be returned to prescribed re-seeding plots onsite. If present, predatory species such as starfish and invasive species such as green crab, will be recorded and destroyed. All waste material will be collected and brought to the approved provincial landfill site at St. George’s for disposal. Harvesting will normally begin in April and continue into November. The planned operations are scheduled to commence in April 2016.

The undertaking was registered on January 21, 2016; the deadline for public comments is February 25, 2016; and the minister’s decision is due by March 6, 2016.


Crown Zone 5 Five-Year Forestry Operating Plan (2016-2020)                         (Reg. 1827)
Proponent: Forestry and Agrifoods Agency – Forestry Services Branch

The proponent, Forestry and Agrifoods Agency, Forestry Services Branch, has agreed to extend the deadline for the minister’s decision to February 1, 2016.


Eddies Cove Oil Spill Detection /Testing Facility                         (Reg. 1819)
Proponent: Fugro GeoSurveys

The minister has advised the proponent that an Environmental Preview Report (EPR) is required for this project. The EPR is necessary to provide additional information on, but not limited to, the potential effect on rare or uncommon plants, project justification and the potential risk of an oil spill. An Environmental Assessment Committee will be appointed to provide scientific and technical advice to the minister and guidance regarding the information requirements to the proponent. The minister will issue guidelines to the proponent to assist with the development of the EPR. The public will be invited to provide comments on the EPR upon its submission. For further information on this project contact, Brent Keeping, Environmental Assessment Division at 709-729-4223 or email at bkeeping@gov.nl.ca.


Roy’s Knob – Labrador City Quartzite Mine                         (Reg. 1809)
Proponent: FerroQuartz Labrador Inc.

On December 23, 2015, the minister advised the proponent that an Environmental Preview Report (EPR) is required for this project. An Environmental Assessment Committee has now been appointed to provide scientific and technical advice to the minister and to prepare draft guidelines for conducting the EPR. The assessment committee has representation from the following government agencies:

  • Environment and Conservation
  • Environmental Assessment Division – Committee Chairperson
  • Pollution Prevention Division
  • Water Resources Division
  • Natural Resources
  • Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs


Fleur de Lys Seal Processing & Tannery Operation                         (Reg. 1821)
Proponent: Phocalux International Inc.

Diversion and Dewatering of Luce Lake North, Labrador West                         (Reg. 1810)
Proponent: Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC)

The project is released subject to the following condition:

  • IOC shall prepare and submit an Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) for all applicable construction, operation and maintenance activities to the Minister of Environment and Conservation for approval before the start of any site specific construction. The EPP shall describe the environmental protection and mitigation measures that will be applied throughout the life of the project to avoid or minimize potential negative effects on the environment associated with the project.

Harbour Grace Wharf, Dry Dock and Yard Extension                         (Reg. 1820)
Proponent: Harbour Grace Ocean Enterprises Ltd.

The project is released subject to the following conditions:

  • All sandblasting activities shall be performed in an enclosed area to minimize the release of dust and all doors to the enclosure shall remain closed while sandblastingis being conducted. Any venting of the enclosure to the atmosphere shall be performed through an effective dust collector (e.g., fabric filter, paper cartridge or other effective device);
  • The dry dock design shall include provisions for the secure capture and containment of any leaks and spills of hazardous liquids;
  • Final design details for the dry dock shall be forwarded to the Department of Environment and Conservation for review and approval prior to construction;
  • The proponent is required to provide a Women’s Employment Plan for both phases of the project in consultation with the Women’s Policy Office and approved by the Deputy Minister for the Women’s Policy Office.

Robeurs Brook Farm Access Road                          (Reg. 1824)
Proponent: Winding Brook Farms Ltd.

The project is released subject to the following condition:

  • A minimum 50-metre naturally-vegetated buffer must be maintained along all waterbodies and wetlands to protect sensitive riparian and aquatic species and their habitat.

For further information on the environmental assessment process, please contact the Director of Environmental Assessment at 709-729-4211 or toll-free:

1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:

Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment and Conservation
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6

Public comments may be forwarded to EAprojectcomments@gov.nl.ca

Environmental assessment information is on the department website at: www.gov.nl.ca/env

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Media contact:

Emily Timmins
Director of Communications
Department of Environment and Conservation
709-729-2575, 693-1292


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