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Expression of Interest received for Millhaven Bay development

by aanationtalk on January 23, 20141510 Views

January 22, 2014

WHITEHORSE—Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Scott Kent and Minister of Tourism and Culture Mike Nixon today announced that the government is reviewing an Expression of Interest for a tourism development project at Millhaven Bay on Bennett Lake near Carcross.

“The Yukon government is pleased to be working with the Carcross/Tagish First Nation to explore the use of Millhaven Bay for a wilderness tourism development project that would create jobs and business opportunities, and support economic growth for Carcross and the surrounding area,” Kent said.

Several years ago Millhaven Bay was identified as a potential site for a world-class tourism resort. The site was also acknowledged as a potential project of interest in the December 2013 Memorandum of Understanding on economic development between the Yukon government and the Carcross/Tagish First Nation. The MOU also identified the development of cottage lots, residential development on Bennett Beach and a new campground at Conrad as other potential projects.

“This is an exciting development for Yukon,” Nixon said. “Yukon continues to attract a diverse range of visitors who are looking for a variety of experiences. A high end wilderness resort on Bennett Lake could further broaden Yukon’s appeal as a world-class tourism destination and provide Yukon with another iconic tourism product.”

In its submission, the private British Columbia developer, International Ecotourism Development Corporation (IEDC), is proposing the development of a comprehensive eco-wilderness tourism facility at Millhaven Bay in partnership with the Carcross/Tagish First Nation. IEDC has founded and operated many high-end tourism operations worldwide.

Initial acceptance of the Expression of Interest by the Yukon government will enable the developer and the Carcross/Tagish Development Corporation to enter into the public engagement phase of the Expression of Interest process.

This transparent process requires proponents to conduct a public engagement that may include advertisements and community meetings to identify the scope of the project, create public awareness and gauge public acceptance. The Yukon government may also determine if there are other private interests that may wish to submit a competitive proposal.

At the conclusion of the 30-day public engagement process, the development partners may prepare and submit a formal proposal to government for consideration.

Learn more 
The Lodge at Stoney Mountain Expression of Interest:



Elaine Schiman
Cabinet Communications

Ron Billingham
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources

Heather LeDuc
Communications, Tourism and Culture

News release #14-012


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