FCM’s 2025 Annual Conference and Trade Show
FCM’s Annual Conference and Trade Show is the largest annual gathering of senior municipal officials from across Canada.
FCM has been the national voice of municipal government since 1901 and has over 2,000 member municipalities of all sizes, from Canada’s cities and rural communities, to northern communities and 20 provincial and territorial municipal associations. Together, they represent approximately 92% of the Canadian population from coast to coast to coast.
Increase your share of the $98-billion municipal marketplace, and meet face-to-face with influential municipal decision-makers who are hard to reach through conventional business channels. FCM’s Annual Conference and Trade Show is the one place where political, managerial and technical municipal representatives come together to learn about and obtain strategic tools of the future.
Rogers Centre Ottawa
55 Colonel By Dr., Ottawa ON K1N 9J7
Tel: (613) 563-1984
Trade Show dates: Thursday May 29 – Saturday May 31, 2025
The FCM Annual Conference will be held from May 29 – June 1, 2025
Your booth registration includes:
- Exhibit space (10’W x 10’D x 8’H)
- Show drape (8′ back and 3′ side drape)
- Number of exhibit staff per booth: Six (6) maximum; additional badges available at $175 each
- Meals provided during trade show days/hours to registered exhibit staff
- Company listing with hyperlink to your website in the Trade Show section of the FCM conference web site
- Company listing with hyperlink to your website in the Trade Show section of the FCM conference mobile app
Standard Booth Rate: $4,119 + 13% Taxes = $4,654.47 per booth
Premium Booth Rate: $4,500 + 13% Taxes = $5,085.00 per booth
Reserve your trade show booth—contact us
FCM reserves the right to reject or cancel any application/agreement to exhibit. Eligibility to be an exhibitor at the 2025 Trade Show is limited to companies in good standing with FCM, and must represent business or interests relevant to Canadian municipalities.
- Furnishing, electricity, internet and furniture are not included in the booth rental price.
- The flooring at the Rogers Centre Ottawa is covered with carpet therefore booth carpeting/floor covering is not mandatory. Booth carpet rental will be available from FCM appointed Show Provider. Exhibitors can bring their own floor covering.
- FCM does not provide a delegate list.
Move in
Thursday, May 29, 2025, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. (sharp!)
Move out
Saturday, May 31, 2025, 2:30 p.m.* – 6 p.m. (*subject to change)
Prize option – $750 (minimum value)
Maximize traffic in your booth by offering a prize.
The draw will take place Saturday, May 31, at the Trade Show, where a representative from your organization will be given the opportunity to present the prize to the lucky winner. Contact the Trade Show Team for more details and prize form.
Sponsorship Opportunities
For 2025 Annual Conference and Tradeshow sponsorship inquiries, please contact our Sponsorship and Partnership team.
Who attends?
More than 1,500 municipal officials from across Canada: Mayors, Councillors, City Managers, Chief Financial Officers, City Clerks, Purchasing Directors, Transportation Directors, Public Works Directors, Information Systems Directors, Human Resources Directors, Parks and Recreation Directors, Environmental contacts and Economic Development Officers.
*Data taken from attendees of FCM’s 2024 Annual Conference and Trade Show, Calgary AB, June 6–9, 2024.
Municipal Delegates by Province
Municipal Delegates by Role
Safety and Security
All Exhibit staff must present a government-issued photo ID to pick up your badge on-site. Exhibitors will be required to wear the FCM issued badge and lanyard during trade show hours. Name badges are not transferable under any circumstances.
Booth sharing
FCM permits booth sharing, limited to 1 shared booth organization per 10′ x 10′ booth and requires each exhibiting organization to be approved by FCM. Exhibitors may not host representatives or display material (brochures, banners, etc.) from a third party organization without FCM Show Management approval. Deadline to submit a shared booth application is April 18, 2025.
To share a booth, the third party organization must complete and remit the FCM Shared Booth application form for FCM approval, agree to the Terms and Conditions and pay the applicable fee. Email FCM Trade Show to request shared booth application at tradeshow@fcm.ca
Empty booth – Inspection Deadline*
All booths must be completely set up on/before 3 p.m., Thursday May 29, 2025. Any exhibitor not checked-in by 2:30 p.m. will be presumed to have abandoned the space and it may be released. Should exhibitor experience a travel delay, he/she must contact us before 2:30 p.m. to advise of the delay.
No-show exhibitors may result in loss of booth space opportunities for the following year.
Early Departure*
No exhibits or displays may be dismantled before the official close of the trade show on Saturday, May 31, 2025.
*Failure to comply to show regulations, no-show booths or early dismantling/departure may result in loss of booth space opportunities for the following year.
Hosted events
Exhibitor/Sponsor private functions are separately organized events during which exhibitors/sponsors can meet with FCM delegates outside of the Conference for the purposes of networking, entertaining and continuing business. Exhibitors/Sponsors organizing any type of private function are required to adhere to specific guidelines.
FCM must be informed of all planned functions on/before April 18, 2025. Exhibiting/Sponsoring companies must request and complete the form and submit to tradeshow@fcm.ca for approval.
QUESTIONS / CONCERNS – Contact the FCM Trade Show Team
Email: tradeshow@fcm.ca
Tel: 343-417-0510
Fraud alert
Exhibitors participating in FCM’s Annual Conference and Trade Show may be contacted by companies claiming to have promotional offers such as delegate lists and lower hotel guestroom rates than the FCM negotiated rates. These companies are not associated with FCM, nor authorized by FCM to contact our clients, partners and/or exhibitors. FCM does NOT advise purchasing services or booking your guestroom(s) through this method.
24 Clarence Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 5P3
T. 613-241-5221

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