First Nations Health and Social Services seeking software to capture their data need look no further than PathDMS

by ahnationtalk on March 2, 20151778 Views


 “Numbers have an important story to tell. They rely on you to give them a voice.”
Stephen Few

March 3, 2015 – Tsuu T’ina Nation, AB

PathDMS (Data Management System) is a software application designed for First Nations to address their unique health and social services program data collection and reporting needs (including FNIHB).  PathDMS improves availability and access to quality data collection.  In addition to analysis that better informs community decision-making and priorities, PathDMS is intended to strengthen record keeping, reporting, as well as health planning and quality management.  The software can be used by First Nation Health and Social departments, Aboriginal organizations providing services in the health/social services fields, shelters, healing lodges and treatment centres.

First Nations and organizations are emphasizing the need to enhance data collection. They are seeking tools to document the work undertaken and to strengthen reporting. Those involved in First Nation health program delivery manage multiple agreements and require data to inform diverse reporting requirements.

PathDMS was developed by a First Nation company (Williams Consulting) upon the request of several First Nations Health Managers who wanted to more readily measure progress achieving their work plan objectives, indicators, outcomes and performance measures.

PathDMS is based on cloud technology, which enables front-line workers to capture program related activities, such as workshops, presentations, circles, and events.  PathDMS includes client service notes for workers to quickly document each client visit and indicate the primary service they provided.  A consent form is automatically generated for each client.  A centralized calendar ensures that workers do not book competing activities on the same day or time.  Users can document meetings they attend and identify next steps or actions required.  A crisis report template is provided to document time spent responding to critical incidents or crisis.  This information can then be used to provide evidence-base priority setting as well as supplement funding proposals.

From a health management perspective, it assists the worker in tying their activities to their funded workplan objectives, including FNIHB.  While reporting on the outcome of the activity, the worker not only identifies numbers of participants, age range and gender, but reflects on the impacts of the activity as well as lessons learned and participant feedback.  Activity reports are immediately sent from the software to their supervisor for feedback.

The reporting function of PathDMS is a key feature designed to reduce administration time.  With the push of a button, users and managers can see their outputs (monthly, quarterly, and annual report) including a detailed list of activities led, activities assisted with, and summary of the number and type of participants by program, funding line or workplan objective, number of clients, number of client visits, and type of services provided.  Managers can run reports by funding line or program to check progress made towards achieving workplan objectives. One unique feature for First Nation communities is that PathDMS automatically populates up to twenty-four questions on the CBRT.

To learn more about PathDMS please visit



For Further Information Contact:  Andrea J. Williams or Kienan Williams

Phone:  (403) 949-5613 or toll-free (855) 728-4367

Email: or


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