Funding available for community initiatives that address gender-based violence

by ahnationtalk on October 16, 2023191 Views

Indigenous governments, community governments and non-government organizations are invited to apply for up to $125,000 for Gender-Based Violence Community Initiatives Funding to undertake community-based initiatives across the Northwest Territories that support the implementation of the National Action Plan to End Gender Based Violence.

Community-based and special projects eligible for funding must address one or more of the following objectives to:

  • Support services and programs that provide prevention and healing activities and advocacy t to improve the outcomes of gender-based violence survivors’ health, social, economical, and legal situations;
  • Support and recognize that perpetrators of gender-based violence need healing and have the capacity to contribute meaningfully to their families and their relationships;
  • Encourage greater public understanding, education, and community involvement in the effort to eliminate GBV and furthering gender equality;

To apply, send a completed application form to Applications will be reviewed by a committee and prioritized based on the objectives and criteria.

The deadline for applications is Friday November 3, 2023.

For media requests, please contact:

Todd Sasaki

Manager, Public Affairs and Communications

Department of Finance

Government of the Northwest Territories


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