GNWT: More Grubstake Funding for 2021
For the second year in a row, the GNWT is providing a top-up for grubstake payments to offset the impacts of COVID-19. Regular grubstake payments were made in September 2021, and ENR is now offering a second round of payments to support trappers this season.
The Trapper’s Grubstake Program helps trappers offset some of the costs of starting up each season. The amount of funding trappers can receive is tied to the number of pelts they brought in the previous season.
This year, funding for people who brought in over 20 pelts last season will double, increasing from $5 to $10 for each pelt.
Trappers who brought in fewer than 20 pelts are also eligible this year, and will receive $5 for each pelt they brought in last season.
Additionally, the cap on the maximum number of pelts you can bring in, previously set at 200, has been removed.
Payments will be issued directly to eligible trappers.
This program is delivered as part of the Genuine Mackenzie Valley Fur Program — a full-service trapper support and fur marketing program connecting trappers on-the-land to guaranteed funding for their prepared pelts, and access to global markets.
For media requests, please contact:
Jessica Davey-Quantick
Communications Planning Specialist
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Government of the Northwest Territories

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