Highlights of the #CundillatCAMH Conference
Researchers have identified the best guidelines for young people with depression; screening for adverse childhood events could lead to earlier identification of at-risk young people; and a more complete picture of young people with depression must be considered if treatment is to advance.
Those are just some of the key messages shared at New Directions for Adolescents and Young Adults with Depression, a #CundillatCAMH Conference, in June. More than 150 psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, educators, policy makers and others in child and youth depression gathered in downtown Toronto to hear presentations by international experts alongside poetry performances by youth with lived experience.
“It is truly important that we are all here today, focused as we are on the topic of adolescent and young adult depression. Young people with depression need a strong team behind them,” Dr. Peter Szatmari, Director of the Cundill Centre for Child and Youth Depression, told the audience in the morning. “That we can get together like this to discuss new directions in depression treatments for this population is truly a sign of hope, and we should carry with us a sense of optimism throughout the day and into the future.”