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How an Inuit factory producing modular homes aims to ease Nunavut’s housing shortage – The Globe and Mail

by ahnationtalk on December 2, 2022317 Views

In Arviat, a facility set to open in 2025 would put Inuit tradespeople to work building modular units tailored to the North’s needs

On the outskirts of the Nunavut hamlet of Arviat, past the polar bear alert signs and the packed-to-the-rafters schools and the community freezer full of caribou meat, lies a gravel pad on which an Inuit company is building something unprecedented.

The pad is the future site of a factory that will produce modular homes for a territory where the housing shortage is so acute that multigenerational families sometimes sleep in shifts on mattresses on the floor.

“We’re in dire need of housing,” said Joe Savikataaq Jr., the mayor of Arviat, a community of about 2,800 people on the western shore of Hudson Bay. “If housing could be solved, that would solve a lot of other issues – almost like a domino effect.”

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