Hydro One announces preferred route for the St. Clair Transmission Line which will unlock economic potential in southwest Ontario
Hydro One announces preferred route for the St. Clair Transmission Line which will unlock economic potential in southwest Ontario
WALLACEBURG, ON, June 5, 2023 – Today, Hydro One announced Route 2 as the preferred route for the proposed St. Clair Transmission Line. After a thorough evaluation of five options, this alternative was selected as 80 per cent of the route uses existing transmission corridors and upgrades an existing transmission line. This option has the least effect on the values of importance to Indigenous communities as well as to the natural environment, agricultural lands and operations. This route alternative will also involve an upgrade of the Wallaceburg Transformer Station, which will increase the transmission reliability and resiliency for the Wallaceburg area. The proposed St. Clair Transmission Line will enable economic growth in the area, bringing enough clean energy to the region to power a city the size of Waterloo.
“Through our engagement efforts, we heard that minimizing effects to homes, maximizing the use of existing transmission corridors, and considering effects to agricultural operations and species at risk were important. Route 2 was able to achieve all of this,” said Sonny Karunakaran, Director, Project Delivery, Hydro One. “The new St. Clair Transmission Line will unlock the economic potential of the region and support local supply chains. We will continue to engage with Indigenous communities, residents, businesses and elected officials as we expand the system to meet the growing needs of southwest Ontario.”
“Our government is supporting the incredible growth in Southwest Ontario by accelerating the development of new transmission lines that will power new homes and job creators coming to the region,” said Todd Smith, Ontario’s Minister of Energy. “I appreciate the work of Hydro One and communities across the Southwest who have worked together to get to this important milestone, which will unlock endless potential for the region.”
“The impact of this new line, once built, will be remarkable for the region,” said Louis Roesch, Director, Essex and Kent, Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA). “We continue to work very closely with Hydro One and offer feedback from our members, which is critical as the project continues to move ahead.”
“The Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers are pleased with the progression of the transmission infrastructure investments the Ministry of Energy and Hydro One have announced and continue to deliver on,” says George Gilvesy, Chairman of the Board. “This project will enable the greenhouse vegetable sector to grow in Ontario, reinforcing the domestic food production system and growing fresh and nutritious vegetables in addition to being a key economic contributor.”
“This new transmission line will support local food supply and security, economic development and job creation in our region,” said Jeff Agar, Mayor, St. Clair Township. “This critical project will help ensure residents in St. Clair have reliable power for years to come.”
“Southwestern Ontario is growing, and we understand this network of electricity infrastructure projects is critical to help meet the energy demand that our region will experience over the next several years,” said Darrin Canniff, Mayor, Municipality of Chatham-Kent. “We will continue to work with Hydro One throughout the engagement process to ensure clean and reliable energy will continue to power southwestern Ontario for years to come.”
Hydro One evaluated five route alternatives for the new transmission line by collecting environmental and technical information, and gathering input from Indigenous communities, community members, municipal staff and elected officials, government agencies, interest groups and businesses. Hydro One will continue to engage with residents and work closely with property owners to inform the project’s next steps. Residents are invited to learn more about how the route was selected and provide feedback on the project by attending our Community Open Houses:
- Monday, June 26, 2023 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Brigden Fairgrounds, 2958 Brigden Road, Brigden, ON
- Tuesday, June 27, 2023 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. at UAW Local 251 Hall, 88 Elm Dr. S, Wallaceburg, ON
- Wednesday, June 28, 2023 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Kent Belgian Centre, 34 Byng Ave., Chatham, ON
The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) projects that energy demand in southwest Ontario will quadruple by 20351. The St. Clair Transmission Line is part of a network of infrastructure projects across southwest Ontario that will unlock the electrification potential of Ontario’s economy to mitigate climate change and help address this forecasted demand. As part of the company’s pathway towards Reconciliation, Hydro One will offer proximate First Nations impacted by the project a 50 per cent equity stake in the transmission line component of the project and is committed to working to advance the project in partnership. The line is expected to be in service in 2028.
For more information about the project and to learn more about the preferred route selection process, please visit St.Clair Transmission Line Project | Hydro One. To provide feedback on the project or to be added to the contact list, community members are encouraged to contact Hydro One at: 1-877-345-6799 or Community.Relations@HydroOne.com.
Hydro One Limited (TSX: H)
Hydro One Limited, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, is Ontario’s largest electricity transmission and distribution provider with approximately 1.5 million valued customers, approximately $31.5 billion in assets as at December 31, 2022, and annual revenues in 2022 of approximately $7.8 billion.
Our team of approximately 9,300 skilled and dedicated employees proudly build and maintain a safe and reliable electricity system which is essential to supporting strong and successful communities. In 2022, Hydro One invested approximately $2.1 billion in its transmission and distribution networks, and supported the economy through buying approximately $1.9 billion of goods and services.
We are committed to the communities where we live and work through community investment, sustainability and diversity initiatives. We are designated as a Sustainable Electricity Leader™ by Electricity Canada.
Hydro One Limited’s common shares are listed on the TSX and certain of Hydro One Inc.’s medium term notes are listed on the NYSE. Additional information can be accessed at www.hydroone.com, www.sedar.com or www.sec.gov.
1 Southwest Ontario Bulk Planning (ieso.ca)
For further information: Media can contact Hydro One Media Relations 24 hours a day at 1-877-506-7584 (toll-free in Ontario only) or 416-345-6868.

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