I’m Not For Sale: Minister Toews Launches RCMP Human Trafficking Youth Outreach Campaign
Ottawa, Ontario, November 22, 2012 — Today, the Government of Canada reaffirmed its commitment to fighting human trafficking by unveiling a new awareness campaign targeted at Canadian youth.
“Our Government is working with national and international partners and all Canadians to take a stand against this despicable crime,” said Public Safety Minister Vic Toews. “I commend the RCMP on the launch of this important campaign, which is a key part of Canada’s National Action Plan and will build awareness among young Canadians, their parents and teachers, and will helps protect our children from falling victim to this terrible crime.”
Last June, the federal government released its National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking. The RCMP’s National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking and its Youth Outreach Campaign are both part of this federal initiative.
“Today, the RCMP is promoting its “I’m Not For Sale” campaign with an emphasis on reaching out to Canadian youth. While human trafficking takes many forms, statistics and intelligence indicate that young women and girls are most frequently being trafficked for sexual exploitation,” said Deputy Commissioner Mike Cabana, the Officer in Charge of Federal Policing, the RCMP section that operates the Human Trafficking National Coordination Centre. ”
RCMP criminal intelligence indicates that, across the country, organized crime networks and individuals are actively trafficking Canadian-born women and under-age girls within Canada, and in some instances to the United States. These girls and women are often destined for the sex trade.
“Trafficking survivors are usually reluctant to speak to authorities and many don’t even realize they’re being targeted. The earlier we can reach kids with messages about how to recognize this crime, the less likely they are to fall prey to it. They’ll also be better able to identify human trafficking when they see someone they know being targeted,” said Deputy Commissioner Cabana.
In 2005, the RCMP established the Human Trafficking National Coordination Centre (HTNCC) within the Immigration and Passport Branch at RCMP Headquarters in Ottawa. The Centre’s role is to provide a focal point for law enforcement officers in their efforts to combat and disrupt human trafficking. The Centre’s mandate is to develop and coordinate anti-human trafficking initiatives in partnership with domestic and international agencies, non-government organizations and the community at large.
To date, the RCMP is aware of 29 cases in Canada in which human trafficking charges have been laid and the accused have been convicted of human trafficking and/or other related offences. 57 accused have been convicted in these cases and 119 survivors have been saved from the hands of the traffickers. There are approximately 70 Canadian cases involving 119 individuals accused of human trafficking offences currently before the courts. These cases involve a total of 110 survivors.
To view materials from the RCMP’s “I’m Not For Sale” campaign on line, please visit:
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