Implementing a data management system for community based health and social services programs
Feb 12, 2013
Implementing a data management system for community based health and social services programs
PathDMS is a software application designed specifically for First Nations to address their unique health and social services program data collection and reporting needs. PathDMS improves availability and access to quality data collection and analysis to better inform decision-making and priorities. PathDMS is intended to strengthen record keeping, reporting, health planning and quality management.
First Nation communities deliver a suite of culturally appropriate, community based health promotion, disease prevention and social programs designed to improve the health and wellness outcomes of First Nations individuals, families and communities. Efficient and effective performance, as well as sound fiscal management is an expectation by health service providers, community members and funders.
In this time of deficit reduction, many First Nations are concerned about the possibility of managing programs with fewer resources. The need for better documentation to strengthen reporting and identifying program impacts has never been greater. Those involved in First Nation health program delivery face unique challenges with respect to data collection, multiple funding jurisdictions and diverse reporting requirements that impact their ability to capture meaningful information for health planning and quality management purposes. Theseimpediments require immediate attention to sustain momentum in innovation and program delivery.
Path Data Management System (PathDMS) was developed by a First Nation company (Williams Consulting) upon the request of numerous First Nations while undertaking their community health plan evaluations. Front-line First Nation Health Managers expressed concerns that they need to more readily and consistently capture the progress they are making toward achieving work plan objectives, indicators, outcomes and performance measures. PathDMS is the resulting data solution specifically designed to capture this information by tying reporting to workplans, contribution agreement objectives and federal, provincial and other funding lines. PathDMS is intended to be intuitive and address multiple needs including health planning and management, promptly identifying emerging issues, accountability to community members, leadership and funders.
The Path Data Management System is based on cloud technology, which enables front-line workers to efficiently and effectively capture all program related activities such as workshops, presentations, circles, and events. A centralized calendar ensures that workers do not book competing activities on the same day or time. Users can document all meetings they attend and identify next steps or actions required. A new form is available to document time spent on Critical Incident Stress Management such as responding to crisis or coordinating bereavement activities.
From a health management perspective, it assists the worker in tying their activities to their workplan objectives. While reporting on the outcome of the activity, the worker not only identifies numbers of participants, age range and gender, but reflects on the impacts of the activity as well as lessons learned and participant feedback. Activity reports are immediately sent from the PathDMS to their supervisor for feedback.
The reporting function of PathDMS is a key feature designed to reduce administration time and allow for more time spent on direct program delivery. With a push of a button, users and managers can see their outputs (monthly, quarterly, and annual report) including a detailed list of activities led, activities assisted with, and summary of the number and type of participants by program, funding line or workplan objective. Managers can run reports by funding line or program to check progress made towards achieving workplan objectives in cases where more than one staff member works on a specific program. A unique feature for First Nation communities is that PathDMS automatically populates up to 16 questions on the CBRT. Year-end is fast approaching. This software is an eligible expenditure under most contribution agreements.
Activity reporting templates are already predesigned for:
- · Early Childhood Development (including CPNP, AHSOR, MCH, AHBHC) with templates available to customize for local ECD programs.
- · Diabetes (Physical Activity, Nutrition, Screening, Education & Awareness) with templates available to customize for local diabetes programming
- · Wellness (Mental Wellness Promotion and Support, Substance Abuse, Suicide Prevention, Youth Sports/Recreation, Coping Skills) with templates available to customize for local mental wellness programming
- · Building Healthy Communities (general community wellness programs such as building healthy relationships or customize programs such as the Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Program)
- · Cultural Programs
- · Afterschool Programs
The PathDMS is designed to be very user-friendly taking in account the varied capacity of front line community workers. All that is required is access to the internet (minimum of DSL Internet connectivity) and this secure network can be utilized by the authorized users. To learn more about PathDMS, an exciting and affordable participant-based tracking and data management solution for First Nation, Métis, Inuit or Aboriginal Health and Social Service Program Delivery please visit or email/call the office for pricing information.
For Further Information Contact: Andrea J. Williams or Kienan Williams,
Phone: 705 932 5721 or toll free (855) PathDMS or (855) 728 4367 ext 700.
Cell: 705 313 1888 or 705 7612654
Email: or

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