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Indigenous bishops say they’ll resist imposition of ‘Western’ cultural values – The Western Star

by ahnationtalk on March 10, 2016789 Views

March 09, 2016

ST. JOHN’S, N.L. – Indigenous bishops within the Anglican Church of Canada say they will resist having Western values imposed on them, arguing aboriginal voices are being lost in a “very strained” internal debate over same-sex marriage.

“It is no longer acceptable to impose Western cultural questions and approaches on our societies,” the bishops say in a statement to the church body studying the question. It was delivered Aug. 7, but received little notice until a Newfoundland and Labrador radio station, VOCM, reported on it this week.

“We absolutely reserve the right to make these choices and decisions, now and forever, on our own terms and in our own way.”

Read More:—World/Society/2016-03-09/article-4461085/Indigenous-bishops-say-theyll-resist-imposition-of–Western-cultural-values/1

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