IRC providing funds to each beneficiary

by ahnationtalk on November 16, 2021271 Views

Given the ongoing challenges brought about by the COVID-19 Pandemic – and recognizing the need for continued support in all of our communities, please note that the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation will be providing each beneficiary with a $200 COVID support payment.

To ensure the rapid delivery of these payments, and to ensure that all Beneficiaries receive these payments in a timely fashion, IRC has already begun issuing these payments.  Those in receipt of electronic payments should have received their support payment already.  All other payments should be received this week.

“IRC is pleased to be able to assist all beneficiaries with funds to help offset the effects of COVID-19 and allow you to stock more groceries, cleaning supplies and add to children’s activities at home,” said Duane Ningaqsiq Smith, IRC Chair and CEO.

IRC has successfully advocated for these funds to help financially boost each beneficiary at this trying time.  We will continue to advocate for additional funds to support Inuvialuit as the Pandemic continues.

Quyanaqpak, quyanainni, koana for continuing to practice all safety measures to ensure the safety of your family and community.

Payment details:

  • Inuvialuit Regional Corporation will be issuing payments by the directdeposit method/(Electronic Fund Transfers) to those enrolled beneficiaries whohave registered their direct deposit information with IRC.
  • For those not yet using or able to use direct deposit/(EFT), Inuvialuit RegionalCorporation will be mailing outyour cheques to addresses already on file with the Deputy Registrar of Enrolment.

Remember that you should update your address with IRC’s Enrolment when you move.

IRC continues to encourage Inuvialuit to sign up for direct deposit/(EFT) as the quickest, most efficient method to receive the annual dividend payment, Elders benefit payments and other payments that IRC is able to provide to beneficiaries.

The process to sign up for future, automatic, deposits: Visit your banking institution to obtain a direct deposit form and then you can send this banking form to IRC Enrolment along with your contact details.



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