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Keep post-secondary education accessible: students –

by ahnationtalk on April 13, 2016846 Views

April 13, 2016

University and college students in Newfoundland and Labrador are taking to social media ahead of provincial budget to make case for well-funded higher learning.

The Canadian Federation of Students’ Newfoundland and Labrador (CFS-NL) chapter has launched a social media campaign ahead of the 2016 provincial budget to remind the Liberal government that any funding cuts to post-secondary institutions resulting in higher tuition fees could limit students’ abilities to obtain an education and drive others out of the province, while deterring those considering moving to N.L. for school from coming altogether.

For two weeks CFS-NL has been pushing its “Students of Newfoundland and Labrador” campaign, which features photos of university students accompanied by quotes from them about their educational and financial circumstances and reasons why they chose to study in this province.

One image features a student from Corner Brook who says Memorial University’s low tuition fees allowed him to stay in the province instead of seeking out an education elsewhere.

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