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MCK announces creation of the Investment and Revenue Committee

by ahnationtalk on March 24, 2023103 Views

(Kahnawake – 24, Enniskó:wa/March 2023) The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) wishes to inform the community that the Council of Chiefs passed an Executive Directive at a duly-convened Council meeting (March 6, 2023) to formally approve the creation of the Investment & Revenue Committee, which will govern the MCK’s investment affairs and commercial activities.

The committee vision is to ensure proper oversight of the MCK’s business interests to generate wealth and prosperity for the community by developing, administering, operating, controlling and/or investing in a diverse portfolio of both assets inside and outside of the Territory. The long-term objective (e.g. 100 years) is to ensure economic sustainability for the Mohawks of Kahnawà:ke, over and above all external funding levels.

“The creation of the Investment and Revenue Committee will allow for proper oversight of the MCK’s investment affairs, ensuring proper business due diligence,” said Michael Delisle, Jr., who leads the Economic Development Portfolio. “Financial independence is a priority for the MCK and the creation of the Investment & Revenue Committee will help the community and the next generations to prosper.”

The Ratitsénhaienhs will entrust the committee to make financially sound investment decisions which will ensure adequate returns over the long-term without undue risk. This will be accomplished with the advice of an independent External Investment Expert. The Lead Portfolio Chief is responsible to report back to the Council of Chiefs. The committee will draft, implement, and adhere to the investment policy which will be approved by the Council of Chiefs.


Media Inquiries:

Joe Delaronde Political Press Attaché 450- 632-7500 ext 63251


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