MCK Officially Appoints Michael Delisle Jr. as new Membership Registrar

by ahnationtalk on May 9, 2024167 Views

(Kahnawake – 9, Onerahtohkó:wa/May 2024) The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke wishes to inform the community that Michael Delisle Jr. was formally appointed to the position of Office of the Kahnawà:ke Kanien’kehá:ka Registry (OKKR) Registrar for the Kanien’kehá:ka of Kahnawà:ke Law and the Kahnawà:ke Residency Law.

The appointment was formalized by a Mohawk Council Executive Directive (MCED) following an orientation period. This included becoming well-versed in the Laws and Regulations, reviewing their history and evolution, review of case studies, forms, minutes, and MCEDs, relating to the OKKR and associated legislation.

“Now that I have completed this comprehensive orientation, I’m ready to hit the ground running,” said Delisle. “Our next steps will be to fill the Compliance Officer position and to develop a communications strategy to ensure that the community can navigate the OKKR processes with confidence and ease.”

Prior to his appointment, Delisle served as an elected Council Chief for twenty-two years, resigning in January 2024 to accept this position.


Media Inquiries:

Joe Delaronde
Political Press Attaché 450- 632-7500 ext 63251


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