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MCK seeks one Community Rep for Cannabis Control Board

by ahnationtalk on February 22, 2023111 Views

(Kahnawà:ke – 22, Enníska/February 2023)

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) is seeking one individual to serve on the Kahnawà:ke Cannabis Control Board (KCCB).

The KCCB is comprised of three Kahnawa’kehró:non who are responsible for the ongoing development of the regulations required within the Kahnawà:ke Cannabis Control Law, as well as the administration and enforcement of the law in the Territory.

Eligibility criteria include the following:

  • Must be Kanien’kehá:ka of Kahnawà:ke and be a resident within the Territory
  • Must be at least 21 years of age
  • Must have no criminal conviction for an indictable offence or have received a full pardon for any such conviction
  • Must not have an interest in a private entity that has applied for or has been granted a Cannabis-related license
  • Must not have a family member who has an interest in a private entity that has applied for, or has been granted, a cannabis-related license

Full eligibility criteria can be viewed at

For reference, the Kahnawà:ke Cannabis Control Law can be viewed at

Letters of intent can be sent by mail or delivered to the Reception at the MCK Main Office to the contact below:

  • Lanny Jacobs Project Technician

Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke P.O. Box 720

Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory, J0L 1B0, or via email at

For further information on the application process, please contact Lanny Jacobs at 450-632-7500.


Media Inquiries:

Joe Delaronde
Political Press Attaché
450- 632-7500 ext 63251


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