Mental Health Week: Hope, Help, and Healing Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Post-vention Toolkit

by ahnationtalk on May 2, 20162502 Views


To mark Canadian Mental Health Week, the First Nations Health Authority would like to share a resource to support First Nations, Aboriginal, and Indigenous communities, Health Directors, community health workers, and others working in an area that touches on preventing and responding to suicide in their communities.

The Hope, Help, and Healing Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention Toolkit intends to support planning efforts at the community, tribal council, Nation-based, and sub-regional levels and to support community workers in planning and developing a suicide prevention, intervention and postvention plan that can be used in their community.

Find the Hope, Help and Healing toolkit online here.

Find out more about Mental Wellness and the First Nations Health Authority here.

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