Message From the Chief Electoral Officer: By-Election for the role of Grand Chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs

by ahnationtalk on December 2, 2024103 Views

The Chiefs of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs will elect a Grand Chief at the AMC Chiefs Assembly held on January 28-30, 2025, at Canad Inns, Polo Park, Winnipeg, MB.

The By-Election for AMC Grand Chief will take place on the second day of the Chiefs Assembly, January 29, 2025.

This document serves as the call for nominations for the AMC Grand Chief. According to the AMC Election Rules:

The deadline for nominations is January 18, 2025, at 4:00 pm. Nomination forms must be received by the AMC Secretariat before this time and date. No nominations will be accepted after the deadline.

  1. Only a Chief of a member First Nation may nominate, second, or endorse a candidate.
  2. A Chief may only nominate, second, or endorse one candidate. Endorsements cannot be rescinded after January 16, 2025 at 4:00 pm.
  3. Candidates must:
    1. be a citizen of a member First Nation;
    1. be 18 years of age on the date of the close of nominations;
    1. have resided in Manitoba for at least three months before the election notice was issued (residency must have started on or before September 29, 2024);
    1. have properly filed the prescribed nomination form; and
    1. have a nominator, seconder, and 5 endorsers who sign the nomination papers in the presence of a witness (any additional signatures will not be valid).

The Chief Electoral Officer will have a record of Chiefs who have pledged their support to a candidate. Any potential candidates can contact the Chief Electoral Officer for the list of committed Chiefs, though the individuals who the Chiefs have endorsed will not be disclosed.

If you wish to receive by-election nomination forms or have questions regarding the election, please contact me via email at


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