Michael Gullo and Theo Argitis: An oil and gas cap is no solution to Canada’s slow climate progress – The Hub

by ahnationtalk on November 21, 2023119 Views

November 21, 2023

An emissions cap on the oil and gas sector would be a punitive, divisive, and short-sighted move

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s climate policy is at a watershed.

As concerns mount over the pace of progress toward Canada’s aggressive emissions reduction targets—most recently from the country’s environment commissioner—there are growing worries the government will resort to a full-on charge against the oil and gas sector to regain some of the momentum.

The government appears to be committed to an emissions cap for the industry, possibly in the form of more stringent carbon pricing for oil and gas firms or through an industry-specific cap-and-trade system. Just last week, Environment and Climate Change Minister Steven Guilbeault reiterated on multiple occasions the plan is to move ahead by the end of this year.

It all seems punitive and short-sighted.

Read More: https://thehub.ca/2023-11-21/michael-gullo-and-theo-argitis-an-oil-and-gas-cap-is-no-solution-to-canadas-slow-climate-progress/

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