Minister Hajdu opens Northern Ontario Agri-Food Pavilion at the 2023 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair

by ahnationtalk on November 6, 2023253 Views

From: Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario – FedNor

The Northern Ontario Agri-Food Pavilion helps showcase regional businesses on an international stage Toronto, ON – Federal Economic

Development Agency for Northern Ontario – FedNor

The Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services and Minister responsible for FedNor, today cut the ribbon and delivered remarks to open the Northern Ontario Agri-Food Pavilion, at the 2023 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. The Pavilion was supported by FedNor and will be open throughout the Fair, which takes place November 3-12 at Exhibition Place in Toronto.

The Royal is the largest indoor agricultural and equestrian event in the world, drawing more than 300,000 visitors annually to experience the food, products and events. The Northern Ontario Agri-Food Pavilion has been a major part of the Royal Winter Fair for over 20 years. It provides a unique opportunity for exhibitors to showcase their products and services on an international stage at the Royal.

In May 2023, FedNor announced more than $679,000 to support 46 agri-food producers from across Northern Ontario to participate in this event and present at the Northern Ontario Agri-Food Pavilion. This year’s participants will offer a diverse range of high-quality goods, including spices, cheeses, local Indigenous products, crafts, and more.

The Minister was joined by Ray Stanton, President and Chair of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Shelley Peterson, board member and past President of the Fair, and exhibitors, for the ribbon cutting.


“Every year, the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is an opportunity to showcase the amazing farmers, producers, and businesses across Northern Ontario. There are so many great things to see, taste, and try in this year’s Pavilion. Farmers and producers are at the core of our economy in Northern Ontario and we will always be at their sides to help them grow their businesses and create good-paying jobs.”

–       The Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services and Minister responsible for FedNor

“The Northern Ontario Agri-Food Pavilion has grown to become a major draw each year at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, and we are excited to once again formally open the space for our visitors. The Royal offers so many exciting attractions, events, and activities. FedNor’s Pavilion is one that should not be missed, and it happens to be one of my favourites.”

–       Ray Stanton, President and Chair, The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair

“This year’s Northern Ontario Agri-Food Pavilion is impressive, and we are proud to partner with FedNor in not just creating an exciting space at the Royal, but in creating a fantastic opportunity for so many businesses in our region to expand and build upon their successes. Every year the pavilion features incredible products and services from across Northern Ontario, and this year provides yet another example of the great things coming out of the region.”

–       Patrick Keough, Chair of the Board of Directors, Economic Partners Sudbury East/West Nipissing Inc.

Quick facts

  • The FedNor-supported Northern Ontario Agri-Food Pavilion has been a part of The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair since 2001, and has since more than tripled in size and number of exhibitors.
    • FedNor’s funds have helped over 250 different businesses from across Northern Ontario increase sales and expand markets by supporting their participation in the Royal.
    • Since 2015, exhibitors at the Northern Ontario Agri-Food Pavilion have generated over $7.2 million in on-site and projected sales.
  • The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair began in 1922, making the indoor agricultural and equestrian event 101 years old.
    • The Royal sees over 300,000 visitors annually

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Simon Ross
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of Indigenous Services and Minister responsible for FedNor

Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario
Media Relations


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