Minister Loveless Assumes Chair of the Canadian Council of Forestry Ministers

by ahnationtalk on June 6, 2024161 Views

June 6, 2024

The Honourable Elvis Loveless, Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture, participated in Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM) meetings in Cranbrook, British Columbia this week to discuss shared priorities, common challenges, and emerging opportunities in Canada’s forest sector.Minister Loveless assumes the CCFM chair from outgoing chair, the Honourable Bruce Ralston, British Columbia’s Minister of Forests.

With wildfire season underway across Canada and wildland fire events increasing in frequency, intensity and cost, ministers discussed ways to support preparation and response activities, as well as collaboration and coordination of resources to help protect people, property and critical infrastructure.

Newfoundland and Labrador has endorsed the CCFM’s Canadian Wildland Fire Prevention and Mitigation Strategy. The strategy outlines actions to enhance whole-of-society collaboration and coordination that help reduce the risk of wildland fire, including expanding investment in prevention and mitigation. Implementation will be ongoing and focus on ensuring a resilient Canada where all parts of society are prepared, empowered, and engaged in preventing and mitigating the negative effects of wildland fires.

Ministers were also updated on continued work regarding sustainable forest management and international trade, including engagement with key partners and Indigenous organizations.

The CCFM was established in 1985 to provide a platform for federal, provincial and territorial governments to work together on common concerns relating the forests. The CCFM provides leadership on national and international issues and sets direction for the stewardship and sustainable management of forests across Canada (

“While all provinces and territories have varied forest management regimes our discussions this week have highlighted our shared interests and common ground. Thank you to our counterparts in British Columbia and outgoing CCFM chair, Minister Bruce Ralston for their stellar work and leadership. Newfoundland and Labrador is honoured to take the CCFM helm and continue guiding the agenda on the growth and diversification of Canada’s forest sector.”
Honourable Elvis Loveless
Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture


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