Minister Pike Announces Recipients of 2023-24 Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program
November 28, 2023
Where and how we live and work, and what supports we have access to, has a strong influence on our health and well-being. As part of the Provincial Government’s focus on well-being to become a healthier province, today 16 communities/organizations were announced as recipients of the 2023-24 Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program. This funding will help these groups complete projects in support of age-friendly communities and promote inclusive and stigma-free social connections, which is a social determinant of health.
Funding support provided by the program to eligible incorporated municipalities, Indigenous Governments and Organizations and provincially-incorporated not-for-profit organizations with an age-friendly mandate includes:
- Up to $10,000 to conduct an age-friendly assessment or to implement aspects of an existing Age-Friendly Action Plan; and
- Up to $15,000 to applications demonstrating a regional approach.
The Honourable Paul Pike, Minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development, was joined by Lori Moss, Deputy Mayor of the Town of Gambo to make the announcement. Communities/organizations that received funding through the 2023-24 Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program include:
- Benoit First Nation Inc.;
- City of St. John’s;
- Flat Bay Band Inc.;
- Placentia Chamber of Commerce;
- Town of Centreville-Wareham-Trinity;
- Town of Fogo Island;
- Town of Gambo;
- Town of Gander;
- Town of Harbour Breton;
- Town of Harbour Grace;
- Town of North West River;
- Town of Point Lance;
- Town of Summerford;
- Town of Torbay;
- Town of West St. Modeste; and
- Youth 2000 Centre (Y2C) Corporation.
For more information on the grant recipients, please see the backgrounder below.
The Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program, along with the recently launched Poverty Reduction Plan, is part of achieving the Provincial Government’s goal of becoming one of Canada’s healthiest provinces by 2031.
“It is my pleasure to announce the recipients of the 2023-24 Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program. Congratulations to this year’s grant recipients who play a vital role in our collective endeavors to build an inclusive and age-friendly province where all residents are supported equally across the various stages of their lives.”
Honourable Paul Pike
Minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development
“The Town of Gambo recognized the importance of planning for its aging population and developed its first Age-Friendly Action Plan in 2018. Implementation of the plan continued until the pandemic struck and restrictions hit. A lot has changed in the world since 2018, especially for seniors. This funding will allow us to reassess our Town in a post-pandemic world, to pinpoint what is still relevant and to identify any new issues to be addressed.”
His Worship Darren Dyke
Mayor of the Town of Gambo
Learn more
Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program
2023-24 Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program
Applicant | Location | Project/Plan |
Benoit First Nation Inc. | Mi’kmaq communities on the island of Newfoundland | “Building Strong Age-Friendly Communities” |
City of St. John’s | St. John’s | “Voice of Seniors – Age-Friendly Cities” |
Flat Bay Band Inc. | Indigenous communities on the island of Newfoundland | “Determinants of Community Health Initiative for Aging People” |
Placentia Chamber of Commerce | Placentia | “Placentia Age-Friendly Bridging Generations” |
Town of Centreville-Wareham-Trinity | Centreville-Wareham-Trinity | Age-Friendly Assessment and Action Plan |
Town of Fogo Island | Fogo Island | “Inclusive Spaces Make Happy Faces” |
Town of Gambo | Gambo | Gambo Age-Friendly 2023 Reassessment |
Town of Gander | Gander | Age-Friendly Assessment and Action Plan |
Town of Harbour Breton | Harbour Breton | Age-Friendly Rest Areas |
Town of Harbour Grace | Harbour Grace | Facility Upgrades at Otterbury Schoolhouse |
Town of North West River | North West River | Age-Friendly Assessment and Action Plan |
Town of Point Lance | Point Lance | “Veteran Hugs” |
Town of Summerford | Summerford | “Active For Life” |
Town of Torbay | Torbay | Age-Friendly Assessment and Action Plan |
Town of West St. Modeste | West St. Modeste | Age-Friendly Assessment and Action Plan |
Youth 2000 Centre (Y2C) Corporation | Grand Falls Windsor | “Together We Learn, Together We Grow” |

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