Most votes already in as Nova Scotia NDP pick new leader Saturday – CP

by ahnationtalk on February 26, 2016839 Views

Source: The Canadian Press
Feb 26, 2016

HALIFAX _ Most Nova Scotia New Democrats have already voted for a new leader, even before the opening of the party’s first leadership convention in 15 years.

A full 60 per cent of the party’s 3,000 eligible voters have voted electronically, party secretary Mike Poworoznyk said Friday morning, as party members prepared to gather at a Dartmouth hotel Friday evening.

Speeches from the three candidates are planned for Saturday morning. They are Lenore Zann, a member of the legislature and former actor; United Church minister Gary Burrill, a former MLA; and Dave Wilson, a member of the legislature and former paramedic.

Voting is open till 2 p.m. Saturday, with members given a preferential ballot. Results are expected by 2:30 p.m.

“Voters have to rank all three candidates for the ballot to be valid,” said Poworoznyk.

If no candidate gets a clear majority of votes, the third candidate will drop off, with voters’ second-place choices distributed to the remaining candidates and a winner declared, said Poworoznyk.

“If it’s tied, the president (Paula Simon) will cast the winning vote,” said Poworoznyk.

Led by then-premier Darrell Dexter, the NDP went into the 2013 vote with a majority government and escaped with just seven seats. They currently have six of 51 seats in the Nova Scotia legislature.

The party has gained 900 new members since the leadership race began, said Poworoznyk.



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