Multi-billion dollar Robinson Huron settlement likely to be distributed in new year says chief – APTN News

by ahnationtalk on December 1, 2023170 Views

Nov 30, 2023

Twenty-one First Nations in Ontario are waiting for the province and federal government to sign off on a long-awaited upgrade on the 1850 Robinson Huron Treaty.

Annuities to those First Nations were supposed to increase as resource revenues increased.  However, the annuity has remained at $4 since 1874.

Nipissing First Nation Chief Scott McLeod told Nation to Nation host Annette Francis, that the $10 billion agreement is getting closer to reality.

“We’re hoping to have the finalized agreement by the new year or shortly there after, which will set in process the 60 day period for monies to start flowing to the trust,” he said. “Then from there going to the communities, as per the distribution agreement.”

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