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National Aboriginal Day set for Sunday in Muskoseepi – Alberta Daily Herald

by ahnationtalk on June 19, 2015879 Views

June 18, 2015

Drummers will drum, dancers will dance and outstanding community members will be recognized during National Aboriginal Day on Sunday in Muskoseepi Park.

“It’s a day for us to come together to recognize the significant contributions that Aboriginal people have made, not just in our country, but specifically in our community and surrounding area,” said Marge Mueller, regional manager for Native Counselling Services of Alberta which hosts the event every year. 

“I’d like to invite everyone to come because it’s an opportunity to gather together, to learn together … it’s about a greater understanding and awareness and I think having compassion for the differences and recognizing our diversity as a people that we can join together and work alongside one another with respect.”

The event kicks off with a grand entry at 1 p.m. followed by the Seven Scared Teachings awards, which recognizes seven individuals in the community, as well as Grade 12 student recognitions. 

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