Northern communities in New Brunswick come together to create energy alliance

by ahnationtalk on May 17, 2024141 Views

From: Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

May 17, 2024

By reducing their carbon footprint, Atlantic Canadian communities can improve efficiencies, lower costs and build a more sustainable, resilient future for residents. The governments of Canada and New Brunswick are investing to help the Restigouche Regional Service Commission (RSC) advance its goals of creating an energy alliance for northern New Brunswick.

Today, René Arseneault, Member of Parliament for Madawaska—Restigouche, announced a non-repayable contribution of $375,000 through the Canada Coal Transition Initiative (CCTI) – Infrastructure Fund to help the Restigouche RSC develop a plan that will help bring investment in renewable energy production projects to northern communities. The announcement was made on behalf of the Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development and Minister responsible for ACOA.

The Province of New Brunswick is also investing $75,000 in the project through the Regional Development Corporation.

With this support, the Restigouche RSC will work with the Acadian Peninsula RSC, Oinpegitjoig (Pabineau) First Nation, and Ugpi’Ganjig (Eel River Bar) First Nation, to develop a corporate structure that can invest in renewable energy production projects and represent the collective interests of these northeastern and First Nations communities.

Today’s announcement highlights how the Government of Canada is contributing to Atlantic Canada’s momentum by strengthening our communities, creating new opportunities, and setting the stage for a strong, sustainable future.


“Northern New Brunswick has everything it needs to become a major hub for green innovation, from the right natural resources to the determined spirit of the folks who live there. With support from your federal government, communities are transitioning towards smart energy solutions and creating good jobs in northern New Brunswick for another generation.”

–  The Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development and Minister responsible for ACOA

“Embracing renewable energy is a trail to a sustainable future and a bridge to economic success between communities. Our commitment to renewable energy is not just about preserving our beautiful landscapes for future generations, but also about creating sustainable jobs and fostering economic growth right here in northern New Brunswick.”

– René Arseneault, Member of Parliament for Madawaska—Restigouche

“We are pleased to support the Restigouche Regional Service Commission in their effort to improve efficiencies, lower costs and build a more sustainable, resilient future for residents. This is one of the many ways the Regional Development Corporation is working with the Regional Service Commissions in the province to advance their priorities for social and economic growth.”

– The Honourable Réjean Savoie, Minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation

“The community energy development model we are implementing is a game changer for municipalities and their communities. What we want with the Alliance is to draw inspiration from best practices and apply them. Clean energy, by and for us, on our terms. What more could you ask for?”

– Mario Pelletier, Mayor of Village Bois-Joli, 2nd VP of RSC Restigouche and Chairman of the Alliance Steering Committee

Quick facts

  • The Restigouche Regional Service Commission encompasses the municipalities, communities and Local Service Districts from Durham Parish (excluding Belledune) in the east, to the Kedgwick Rural Community in the west.
  • The Canada Coal Transition Initiative (CCTI) – Infrastructure Fund was launched on August 20, 2020 and provides $150 million over five years, delivered by Canada’s regional development agencies (RDAs), to help communities move away from coal by investing in infrastructure. ACOA is delivering $55 million under CCTI initiatives. The initiative is set to end on March 31, 2025.

Associated links

Connor Burton
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Rural Economic Development
and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Samantha Michaud
Senior Communications Officer
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Mary-Anne Hurley-Corbyn
Regional Development Corporation

Betty-Ann Fortin
Restigouche Regional Service Commission


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