Official start of flu season will likely be declared this week: PHAC – CTV

by tmnationtalk on November 27, 2023119 Views

Nov. 27, 2023

The official start to the flu season is set to arrive any day now, according to federal health authorities.

The latest data on influenza trends found that the rate of positive cases was 6.8 per cent, which is higher than the seasonal threshold of five per cent positivity.

“If percent positivity remains above this threshold next week, the start of the influenza season will be declared at the national level,” states the latest FluWatch report(opens in a new tab) from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).

The report, released early last week, looked specifically at the rate of influenza circulating in the community for week 46 of 2023, Nov. 12 to Nov. 18. During that week, a total of 1,849 laboratory detections of influenza were reported to PHAC, with the vast majority of them being cases of influenza A.

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