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Ontario patients visiting emergency rooms out of fear of being booted by family doctor – CTV

by tmnationtalk on May 24, 202496 Views

May 24, 2024

It was a busy night in the emergency department of a hospital in London, Ont., and Jennefer Muir, a registered nurse of 16 years, was working the triage desk when a mother came in with an ear-infected child.

“I asked them why they didn’t go to their family doctor, why they didn’t go to a walk-in clinic and they stated that their family doctor was currently away … And they had been told in the past that if they go to a walk-in clinic or the urgent care centre, they’ll be taken off the roster for their family doctor,” Muir said.

The wait was projected to be eight hours, but they stayed, Muir said. “Unfortunately, it happens all the time,” she added.

The mother is among a number of Ontario patients who are now visiting emergency departments out of fear of being de-rostered from their doctor’s office – a loophole that results in hospitals dealing with non-urgent cases, and disrupts continuity of care paramount to family medicine, according to health-care experts.

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