Passing the Mic, Part 3 — The students of Netsilik School, Taloyoak, Nunavut – Canadian Geographic

by ahnationtalk on February 28, 2024157 Views

Feb 27, 2024

Inuit youth from Canada’s most northerly community share their stories using their own voices and words

Over the past two years, Canadian Geographic has been running “Passing the Mic,” a podcast training program in remote Nunavut communities. This week, we are pleased to showcase the third episode of this year’s series, which features stories produced by the students at the Netsilik School in Taloyoak, Nunavut.

The aim of this program is to give Inuit youth the tools to share their stories with the world in their own voices, using their words. I think you’ll agree that these stories provide a wonderful window into a unique and welcoming Inuit community.

Taloyoak is mainland Canada’s most northerly community, sitting on the shores of the Arctic Ocean and the Northwest Passage. My Canadian Geographic colleague Tom Lundy and I spent a week in late October working with the students and teaching podcasting at Netsilik School. The students’ ages ranged from 13 to 18, and we couldn’t have asked for a more enthusiastic group.

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