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President Froh responds to Ontario commitment to reconciliation

by mmnationtalk on May 30, 20161642 Views


For immediate release:

President Froh responds to Ontario commitment to reconciliation

(May 30 – Toronto) Today in the provincial Legislature, Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) President Margaret Froh along with other Indigenous leaders responded to the announcement from Premier Wynne concerning the Ontario government’s commitment to reconciliation.

Margaret FrohThe Ontario government’s commitment arose out of the 94 Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) final report that called on governments to work with Indigenous partners to address the terrible legacy of residential schools in Canada. The Ontario government’s commitments include measures to close gaps and remove barriers, create a culturally relevant and responsive justice system, support Indigenous culture and reconcile relationships with Indigenous peoples.

President Froh stated: “Ontario’s announcement today acknowledges the hugely negative impact these schools had, and continue to have within our communities; and it charts a course of action to begin to address them.”

Quoting from the TRC report itself, President Froh stressed: “The Métis experience of residential schooling has been overlooked for too long . . . There is no denying that the harm done to the children, their parents and the Métis community was substantial. It is an ongoing shame that this damage has not been addressed and rectified.”

President Froh also emphasized the importance of Ontario working with Indigenous partners like the MNO. “I commend the Government of Ontario for taking the important steps announced today to begin to specifically address the 94 Calls to Action in the TRC’s Final Report, and to do so through a collaborative process in close partnership with Métis, First Nations and Inuit peoples in Ontario,” she said.

President Froh highlighted that the MNO is proud of the respectful and productive relationship it has developed with the Province of Ontario as demonstrated through the MNO-Ontario Framework Agreement. “We will build on that solid foundation to work – together – to advance reconciliation,” she explained. “Six months ago, all three parties of the Ontario Legislature stood together in support of the passage of the Métis Nation of Ontario Secretariat Act – recognizing the Métis Nation of Ontario’s unique governance structure. That was an act of reconciliation,” she added.

In conclusion, President Froh stated: “The Métis Nation of Ontario is committed to working with Ontario, with all parties of the Legislature, with other Indigenous Peoples, and with all Ontarians to this end – together we must chart a new course forward for our province, and for our country, based on respect, understanding and trust. That is the brighter future for all of Ontario.”

For more information contact:

Mike Fedyk
Director of Communications

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