Red Rock Indian Band musical artist releases new single – Anishinabek News

by ahnationtalk on January 24, 202543 Views

January 24, 2025

THUNDER BAY — Red Rock Indian Band’s Sara Kae recently tackled the subject of depression and mental health with the release of her latest single, One Good Reason, on Jan. 10.

“One Good Reason is a song of perseverance,” Kae says. “I wrote the line, one good reason, as a challenge to the things in life that might try and knock me down and keep me there. I was trying to challenge my own thoughts of giving up and living in my own despair instead of trying my best to work towards happiness, which is easier said than done at times. I wrote this song knowing that many struggle with these same thoughts, and music is what allows us out of isolation a bit.”

Kae says she had been feeling a lot of sadness and was overwhelmed with life when she wrote the song.

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