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Rejection of the Draft Agreement: A call for concerted action and unity for our children and families

by ahnationtalk on October 18, 2024161 Views

Wendake, October 18, 2024 – At the Special Chiefs Assembly of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) held on Treaty 7 territory in Calgary, from October 16 to 18, 2024, the Draft Agreement on the Long-Term Reform of the First Nations Child and Family Services (FNCFS) Program was rejected by most Chiefs in Assembly.

For the Chiefs of the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador (AFNQL), this decision clearly indicates that discussions must continue in order to propose solutions to the concerns raised throughout this process. On October 15, the AFNQL Chiefs adopted a resolution to inform the National Chief, Cindy Woodhouse, and the Minister of Indigenous Services Canada, Patty Hajdu, of their position and their intention to reject the agreement in its current form.

“We are grateful for all the hard work that has been done so far. As Chiefs, we have a sacred responsibility to protect our children and families for the next seven generations. The work must continue, and we must work together to amend this agreement so that it respects our respective diversities and modes of governance, and to eliminate any form of systemic discrimination that has gone on for too long,” said AFNQL Interim Regional Chief Lance Haymond.

“Over the last few days, a number of critical amendments to various aspects of the agreement have been proposed. It is essential that the work ahead be representative of local and regional diversities, and that it contributes to negotiating and implementing an agreement that guarantees sufficient protection for our children, our families, and the seven generations to come,” added Derek Montour, President of the FNQLHSSC Board of Directors.

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