SCO Responds to Provincial Apology on Children’s Special Allowance
October 8, 2024
ANISHINAABE AND DAKOTA TERRITORY, MB —The Southern Chiefs’ Organization (SCO) welcomes an apology from Minister of Families, Nahanni Fontaine, for the province’s unconstitutional and discriminatory practices in its handling of the Children’s Special Allowance (CSA). Minister Fontaine rose to make the apology in the Manitoba legislature this afternoon.
“I commend the government for apologizing to all of our peoples who were impacted by the CSA claw backs imposed by past provincial governments,” stated SCO Grand Chief Jerry Daniels. “The grievous harm caused to all the children and youth in care cannot be erased. It is my hope this settlement and apology will set the stage for moving forward in good faith on the path to reconciliation.”
The government’s apology comes after a Court of King’s Bench judge recently approved a settlement for three class-action lawsuits, worth $530 million. The lawsuits were triggered in response to the provincial government clawing back $355 million of the federal Children’s Special Allowance payments and placing the money in its general revenue fund between January 1, 2005, and March 31, 2019. The Children’s Special Allowance is equivalent to the maximum Canada Child Benefit payment plus the Child Disability Benefit. The settlement covers an estimated 30,000 children who spent time in child welfare, some of whom have since aged out. SCO stood as an intervenor in the class action lawsuits and was at the table as the settlement details were finalized.
“All of the plaintiffs in the lawsuits, are now entitled to critical funding that was so wrongfully withheld from them,” said Dauphin River First Nation Chief Lawrence Letander. “While this is a positive development, I still can’t help but think about what this money could have meant for the children, the money which was unjustly taken away.”
“The money might have meant swimming lessons, dance classes, or taking part in sports,” added Grand Chief Daniels. “We can never know how their lives would be different now if they had what was rightfully theirs. With this settlement money, perhaps the claimants can find that piece they missed growing up.”
The settlement will compensate every child affected by the province’s actions, including interest and additional money for other damages and legal costs, through the creation of a resolution fund. Today, our provincial Treaty partner showed a commitment to share the truth and commit to righting a wrong.
For more information about the settlement, call the Children’s Special Allowance Support Line at 204-947-7101 or toll free 1-844-947-7101 between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm Central Time from Monday to Friday. The fastest way to reach a representative is to press “0.”
The Southern Chiefs’ Organization represents 33 First Nations and more than 87,000 citizens in what is now called southern Manitoba. SCO is an independent political organization that protects, preserves, promotes, and enhances First Nations peoples’ inherent rights, languages, customs, and traditions through the application and implementation of the spirit and intent of the Treaty-making process.
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