Speech — Letters of Credence Ceremony
January 15, 2025
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It is a great pleasure to welcome all of you to Rideau Hall, which sits on the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe people.
In Canada, we often show respect to Indigenous peoples, who have taken care of this land and of our environment for thousands of years.
During your time here, you will often hear about the reconciliation journey that is taking place between Indigenous peoples and non-Indigenous Canadians.
We are working to acknowledge our true national history. We are celebrating Indigenous cultures and languages. We are empowering Indigenous youth to build a better future for themselves and their families.
In other words, we are fostering trust and inclusion within our society, so that everyone can join forces to better tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Isn’t it what diplomacy is all about, as well?
Trust is a pillar of diplomacy.
Excellencies, you’ve all come to Canada so we can build on the strong trust and bonds between our countries.
So we can make our partnerships and international institutions more inclusive and representative of all nations, especially the most vulnerable.
You’ve come here to collaborate with Canadians and find solutions to the issues affecting people in our respective countries.
Climate change. Poverty and food insecurity. Public health issues. Conflicts and insecurity around the world.
These are complex challenges that no country can solve alone.
So, thank you for your commitment to collaborating with Canada.
Thanks for sharing your diverse perspectives and knowledge with us.
Excellencies, I wish you and your families many new friendships and wonderful discoveries here in Canada.
The year 2025 will certainly be filled with challenges, but also with great opportunities.
Let’s embrace it.
Let’s continue fostering dialogue and cultural exchanges between our nations.
Let’s keep building relationships based on transparency and respect. It opens the door to great achievements.
Happy New Year. Welcome to Canada.

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