The Confederacy of Treaty No. 6 Chiefs reject flawed Bill C-15
(amiskwacîwâskahikan) The Confederacy of Treaty No. 6 First Nations in unity with Treaty 7 and 8 First Nations fully reject the flawed Bill C-15, which was developed without the free, prior and informed consent of the Treaty Nations. The Treaty 6, 7 and 8 Chiefs met and passed a resolution in assembly at an AoTC on March 17th, 2021. The Confederacy reminds the Federal Minister of Indigenous Services that the Assembly of First Nations is not, nor has ever been, a treaty-making body. All Treaties are Nation to Nation, between the Chiefs of individual Nations and the Crown. Thus, the AFN has no recognizable legislative authority to participate in the drafting of Bill C-15, known as CANDRIP (“An Act respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”)
The Confederacy of Treaty No. 6 Chiefs affirm that their authority derives from the Creator and the citizens of their respective Nations/Tribes, and in the exercise of their Inherent authority and Treaty Rights are beneficiaries of all aspects of international law. The Assembly of First Nations is not party to this authority.
Additionally, contrary to its stated aims, the current Canadian Government’s interpretation of the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) as described in Bill C-15 subverts the original intent of the Declaration by removing sovereign rights enjoyed by Confederacy of Treaty No. 6. Nations. All 46 Articles of the UN declaration will be interpreted and implemented through the colonial Canadian constitutional framework, including through the AFN, instead of respecting international law regarding the rights of Indigenous Peoples. CANDRIP is flawed legislation, and the Confederacy of Treaty No. 6 Chiefs reject it.
Grand Chief Okimaw Vernon Watchmaker
For more information or media inquiries, contact:
Lisa Mills
Confederacy of Treaty No.6 First Nations
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