The Daily Friday, January 17, 2025
January 17, 2025
Canada’s international transactions in securities, November 2024
Canadian investors increased their exposure to foreign securities by $17.8 billion in November, the highest investment since March 2024. Meanwhile, foreign investors acquired $16.4 billion of Canadian securities, led by an unprecedented investment in money market instruments.
Monthly credit aggregates, November 2024
In November, the total credit liabilities of households rose 0.4% (+$11.3 billion) to reach $3,018.7 billion, slowing in growth from October on an annualized basis (+4.6% in November; +5.1% in October). Real estate secured debt, composed of both mortgage debt and home equity lines of credit, grew 0.4% (+$10.5 billion) in November. Household mortgage debt increased 0.5% (+$10.4 billion), the fifth consecutive month of faster growth (+3.3% in June, steadily accelerating to +5.7% in November on an annualized basis). In November, the policy interest rate remained at 3.75%, following four decreases in 2024.
Impacts of rising prices on the well-being of Indigenous people, 2024
In 2024, close to half of First Nations people living off reserve (45%) and Métis (44%), and more than half of Inuit (54%) (all aged 15 years and older) reported that it was “difficult” or “very difficult” in the 12 months preceding the survey to meet their financial needs in terms of transportation, housing, food, clothing, and other necessary expenses.
Annual civil aviation statistics, 2023
In 2023, Canadian air carriers transported 89.8 million passengers, representing 95.4% of the passengers flown in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Automotive equipment rentals and leasing, 2023
The operating revenue of the automotive equipment rental and leasing industry group increased by 14.0% in 2023 to $9.8 billion, reaching 23.5% above the level observed in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic. This industry group includes establishments primarily engaged in renting or leasing vehicles, such as passenger cars, passenger vans, trucks, truck tractors, buses, semi-trailers, utility trailers and recreational vehicles, without drivers.
Real-time local business conditions, January 6 to 12, 2025
Weekly data on real-time local business conditions are now available for January 6 to 12, 2025.

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